
Hey there, my name is Francesco and I'm a computer engineering student and a fountain pens enthusiast.
When I saw this free domain I said myself "why not?!". That's why this is also hosted on clementefnc.me but tbh that's enough.
Don't call me a liar. I've just decided that I don't want to keep running a LAMP instance at my home (UPDATE 11/9/20) because I don't have time to monitor stuff and keep enough secure, so I've left only the nice github.io version.
(UPDATE 23/9/20) Damn I'm crazy, it's up again. I should definitely add a blogging section..
So now you landed on my website and you have found there is nothing so fancy to look at.
Btw on contacs' page you can find my personal info and maybe look at my other social profiles or better you can send me an encrypted email.

At the moment I'm studying and not working on a specific project despite mantaining this weird website.
I'm planning to start running also a mail server on my rapsberry but I'll do this when I'll have some time to waste (so probably never). I'd like to learn better Python and maybe something more fancy like GoLang. Time is always my worst enemy.
I'm preparing a couple of exams and I hope I'll finally graduate next summer. (I'm planning to never update this page so this will be valid forever).
I'll expand this website in the future, maybe adding a sort of blogging section or whatever. Gonna see how it develops.
Until then, this will be the best you can find under this domain.

I've seen some collegues already use my class notes to prepare SoftEng Exam. So here you are a PDF to download.
Let me know what you think.

Stay safe! Stay at home!